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We Deliver High-quality Honey all over the world.
The Dencher ́s company has been operating in the honey market since 2015.
The main activities of the company are the export of honey to EU market and production of honey spread.Our strategy is to provide our clients high quality products and services.
Own laboratory
Our own laboratory gives us the opportunity to control the quality of raw materials at all stages, from collection to packaging.
The company has implemented a food safety management system -
ISO 22000:2018
Years of company
over 2500
Suppliers of natural honey
7000 tons
Production complex
Our main activities
Honey Spread
For us, it is not just a product, but a whole philosophy that carries our vision of the production of sweets. We are responsible and honesty as a producers and customer satisfaction.We offer different tastes of honey spread.
We're Open for Collaboration
1. Contact us by filling out the contact form.
We will get in touch as soon as possible for an initial conversation.
2. Let's meet in person and discuss the options.
We will be glad to see you and discuss the cooperation.
3. We become your reliable supplier.
We sign a contract in which all terms and obligations are stipulated.
Contact us
Contact us in any convenient way to discuss cooperation options or simply ask a question:
32344, Хмельницька обл., Кам’янець-Подільський р-н, с. Нагоряни, вул. Тручка, буд. 1
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
+380 96 577 28 02au.srehcned%40anailu